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2019 Children’s Palliative Center Gift Drive

Handmade cards from the team at Allianz HQ for the families at the Kinderpalliativ Zentrum kicks off the 2019 campaign

Handmade cards from the team at Allianz HQ for the families at the Kinderpalliativ Zentrum kicks off the 2019 campaign

Holiday Luncheon at the Children’s Palliative Center, Munich

Holiday Luncheon at the Children’s Palliative Center, Munich

Racing through the holidays at the Children’s Palliative Center, Munich

Racing through the holidays at the Children’s Palliative Center, Munich

Making Holiday Keepsakes at the Children’s Palliative Center, Munich

Making Holiday Keepsakes at the Children’s Palliative Center, Munich

New friendships formed

New friendships formed

Enjoying holiday music at the Children’s Palliative Holiday Luncheon

Enjoying holiday music at the Children’s Palliative Holiday Luncheon

Gifts for the hard working mamas at the Children’s Palliative Holiday Luncheon

Gifts for the hard working mamas at the Children’s Palliative Holiday Luncheon

Delicious Luncheon provided by Flo & Co at the Children’s Palliative Holiday Luncheon

Delicious Luncheon provided by Flo & Co at the Children’s Palliative Holiday Luncheon